Sunday, May 13, 2007

Finally managed to squeeze some time out, or rather , the motivating factor to update my blog.

Want such things to b edocumented, incase someday i woke up , not remembering anything ofthe past..>!
Choy, Choy Choy.......!!!

Weekends seems to be getting shorter and shorter, in teh sense that the clock seems to tick faster on Saurdays and sundays...

I wonder if someone up there stole a few hours out of time every weekend....

This sat, a spectular sight, an eye-opener...
Who Says Singaporeans isn't Enthu about Volleyball (beach Volleyball)
*sigh*, a forgotten sports in singapore..
something that involves teams spirit and adrenalin pumping sports can be ignored by teh commercialised corprate entities and organisations..
2 X *sigh*...

First time ever, 15 Beach volleyball courts set up, side-by-side, adjacent to one another, all for the one day spectacular Beach Volleyball Competition @ Sentosa Siloso Beach.

Although we were out at the qualifyings, it was realy a great half day there...
It just re-affirmed my love fo rthe sports, my interest and passion.

just cant wait for the next upcoming competition....