Friday, July 18, 2008

What would happen .... if?

Watched this very interesting "documentary" on Nat'l Geo TV yesterday.

About experiments on What would happen if this/that was carried out..
Skewing more towards physics/chemistry and also daily life chores....

Thsi one was interesting and spurs me to try it out...

A Right-handed was challenged to use her left hand as the master hand for daily chores.
Includes preparing food with non-masterhand, using your left hand (non-master hand) to carry out all task.
And the most simple for us who cant stayed away from PC, teh best way to start that is to put your PC mouse on your left hand side.
Try it, and in one months time, your left hand would be as good as your right masterhand.
Tested and proven on the TV show...

And research also shows that actually having your PC mouse on th left hand-side is actually more conducive for people who works with it 12hrs per day...

hmm.. let me try it, and hopefully soon, I can spike with left arm, and row on theleft , all with as much ease as my right...

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