Monday, July 25, 2005

The FLU Bug

The flu bug is "attacking" the sunny Island of Singapore.

Apparently after the weekend, so many of my fren's/colleague/people i know, were down with flu/sore throat/cough, etc... Well, including myself.

Had a sore throat, but mainly attributable to the potent Kambing soup on saturday night..

Believe it or not, that was my first time in 25 years that i ever tried a "real" concoction of Kambing soup...

The soup is rather thick, and "not too bad" and before i knew it, i was already sipping up the whole bowl. I kenw it was gonna be bad for my throat, but didnt expect it to take effect on that very night few hours later..
Faithfully drinking more water, starfruit juice (yup, it's a little known but extremely effective remedy for sore throat!), lozenges, etc..

And silly me, still went to have Kambing Satay on sunday night!!! -_-"

Now i feel that it is begining to develop into a flu...

I hate to feel sick...


Anonymous said...

take care my fren...i kena also..haha..niway...u know any of our fella commanders who are bloggers too? i only know soh-zai besides u...

esdee said...

only the flu? lucky you. I got dengue fever last month. And in my area (kallang) the number of dengue cases are on the rise. T_T

One^Life said...

---> "anonymous"
well, check out

One^Life said...

---> esdee

take care.. east area is very prone to dengue...
Clear stagnant water around ur house...!!

One^Life said...

---> Angel pet

yup, downing so much water that i keep visiting the washroom every hour or less.. lol

hmm... no "action" pics avail.. but at least u can cath "hunks" lol... stay tune!! ;)