Sunday, April 24, 2005

Horrible Facts!

yet again, the weekends over faster than you can say " Yippppeeee, It's Weekend"!
I am so looking forward to the long weekend 5 days away from this date....

Tuning in to Class 95 on my reliable "obsolete" FM receiver for the day reminds me of a cruel fact...
"Time and Tides" wait for no man. In layman's term, people aged...

And for the first time, I begin to feel "old"...
How i wished time would stop a year of so ago. Or perhaps, time could just pass abit more slowly then....

Starting to feel restless and lethargic the moment i am not doing my fave sports.
Or more precisely, i require more 'recuperation' period after full day of exercise/sports/games.

Sustaining thru late nights are only possible provided that i do not "exert too much energy". Meaning no more Cheong-ing session... Instead, i would choose to sit down, sip a glass of cocktail/controlled intake of beer. (Cos a little beer sometimes, can do good. But excessive can damage your liver no matter how hard you workout!!), and enjoy "not too noisy" music... Something like "I can hear what you are singing" kinda music...

A horrible fact hit me recently....
My "debt" has begin it's roll....
over 17k of debt to be repaid... well to do that fast, it means i seriously need to control my budget for the YEARS to come.... That also means i have to continue to clock my OT in order for me to earn that fixed meagre amount of allowance for unlimited OT hours clocked...

Of cos, my wish is to repay it ASAP, else i can never fulfil my small little dream of owning a four-wheeler that i can call my own, fully paid by myself....
Maybe i should start trying my luck every week at the Singapore Pool station. who knows, i may just be lucky enuff... hrmmm......

Recommended "FOOD" of the Blog

Caramel Cream Extreme Shake
Location: Sentosa, New Zealand Natural Ice Cream
Price: $5 for 3 scoop of caramel ice-cream in 300ml of milk
top with mixed nuts chocolate chips ($4.50 after Islander Discount!)

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