Sunday, November 09, 2008

Had a not so pleasant dream...

Dreamt that i missed the 2nd trg of the week...
Cant recall the resaon why.

yeah.. i missed the first trg of the week due to a "valid" reason, and after much 'reasoning" with myself.
But then, I have no reason to miss Sunday's trg..
afterall, i think its much much more beneficial for that 2hrs 30 mins on a Sunday compared to a Sat.

No doubt, more trg is better than less, but the "temptation" on Sat is really too much for me to handle...
Afterall, I have "supressed" my regualr saturday "dates" for months....
So just stealing one saturday off should be justifiable...., in the contect of yours truly..

Well..., after that, its a "departure" again for the next 2 weeks at least...
thereafter, I can devote my saturday to "you"....

Caught a movie online last night, and yeah, again, it "rekindle" my love for this song again....

“如果我的坚强任性 会不小心伤害了你


我虽然心太急 更害怕错过你”

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