Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rise to the Occasion

Though I managed to move out of a Mine-field not long ago.

And indeed, despite moving on, I have still hit another Mine-field in disguise.

Well, now the whole industry has turned into an Active mine-field..
The one i got on, just had a mine went off.
I wasn't hurt (fortunately), but the mine that went off was so close...
so close, I felt threatened. . .

Nowhere is safe.
Where is the the real greener pasture?
Would i get to see it beofore it blows off on me?


Anonymous said...

guess the mine fields we are in are seriously threathen
we just have to brace the storm and ride the wave
greener pasture...
now nowhere i guess
all industries affected...
but i am sure there will be light
at the end of the tunnel
hang on tight

Anonymous said...

how come your every post has a song to describe one!? Amazing.
Well, minefield, here I come (back) again! - Mich

One^Life said...

hha.. didnt you notice my Blog title?
Come to think of it, that mine-field has been cleared liao.. I guess it should be mine-free by the time you go back...except for some dormant mines maybe...