Friday, June 13, 2008


This week has been "torturous" for me..
The kind of feeling when you can't keep somethings off your mind whenever its not pre-occupied.

Infact, this week's where I see myself having the least hours of sleep..
6hrs on avg (ok, some people dont get up to 6hrs, but i usually sleep at least 8 hrs or more.. hahaa)

Not becos I wanted to force myself out of bed, but the feeling of anxiety, anticipation, and the "ever-looking forward" kind of feeling, where I can't wait to wake up to each morning (as soone as possible), 等待着那台手机所能传来得好消息。

And Today, my week-long "agony" has finally come to an end.
It has transformed into Jubilant.
This call makes a difference to my day and definitely a great and hectic start to my weekend ahead. Not to mention mylife thereafter.
For better or worse....

I'm GONNA fetch my "BABY" back in an hour time from now..!!
I didn't felt so "high" the last time on my first thousand dollars asset (or maybe i forgotten how i felt then)

This time, the 期盼的心情 is even stronger.
I am in a fabulously, fantastically high mood today...

4 个字能以形容:喜悦万分

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